

Initial appointments are made via email only, at

In your email, please add ‘Appointment’ to the subject line. Include your name, phone number and share a little bit about your goals, so we can ensure I am a good fit for your needs (if not I can make recommendations).


Please kindly cancel or reschedule no less than 24 hours before session.

Please also be aware that at this time, bookings can be as far out as 2-3 weeks.


I accept payments via Zelle only, in the amount of $155 per 55 minute session, or $233 for an 85 minute session.

My Zelle QR code will be sent to your email at confirmation of scheduling.

Payment is due at time of service/before the start of the call.

All sessions are non-refundable.


Make sure you’re well hydrated, and in a space where you feel safe, supported and comfortable.

If you want to be super prepared for session, you can familiarize yourself with muscle testing, if you aren’t already.

This YouTube video gives a good basic description of what’s called the Sway Test. It’s very easy, and good to know and practice.


I will call you (non-video) at the number provided.

During session, clients may experience physical sensations like tingling, flashes of hot or cold, yawning, crying, sudden onset of fatigue, internal shivering, full body shaking and digestive and urinary changes. All of these symptoms represent positive evidence of stagnant energy/qi movement, and is something to celebrate!


As with any healing, a period of integration post session is to be expected. It varies for everyone, but typically can last 3 days to a week. It’s unique to individual energy and the nature of what was addressed during session.

There is a mini ego death that occurs with every session, as the old moves out to make space for the new. The energetic fields are being recalibrated to a new frequency. During this time, it is advised to adapt to as much of a slower pace as possible. Prioritize rest, relaxing, hydration, eating well, meditation and grounding. Connect as much as possible to the self and intuition, to best listen to your body’s needs.

Integration symptoms can present physically and emotionally. Physical symptoms can be stomach issues and headaches. Examples of emotional symptoms include bouts of spontaneous anger and grief.

Integration is temporary and a vital part of the healing process. Be patient and give yourself grace during this time.


Every client is different. I have clients I treat once every 2 months, others once every 2 weeks and some once a week. It depends on your development goals and your comfort to reintegrate post session.

I recommend scheduling again before we hang up the call. This simple measure keeps significant accountability to our work together, and I’ve noticed a huge difference within my clients when they know they have a session coming up. (The work starts before our session, hint hint!).

Ultimately, you know you’re ready for another session when you’re feeling stuck or misaligned again. This is evidence of another layer ready to come up and off.